Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Convince the Employer Youre the One to Hire

Convince the Employer You're the One to Hire Convince the Employer You're the One to Hire Convince the Employer You're the One to Hire Unless you're a masochist, you want to work for a good employer, one that's financially sound and sells superior products or services. You also want an employer that provides you with ample opportunity to grow in your career, encourages you to pick up new skills, and balances your job with the rest of your life. And you might ask yourself: How do I find one of those employers? When you find them, you should ask yourself: What can I do for them? That's what they may be interested in most. Each year, Fortune magazine publishes a list of the top 100 best companies to work for. In a recent list, the magazine focused on 25 that are each trying to fill at least 700 job openings. I read a brief profile for each of the 25, particularly how job seekers would best impress recruiters. Most of them said: Know something about the company, and Show how your skills fit into the job. For instance, here's what American Express looks for: Consider how your skills translate to the role you're seeking and help us make that connection when we interview you, says Oriana Vogel, vice president for experienced hire recruitment, global recruitment, and workforce planning. Then, there's Intel: What impresses a recruiter is a well-prepared candidate with clear accomplishments, tremendous passion, and the ability to connect his or her experience and skills directly to the job he or she is going after, says Pam Anderson, staffing account manager. This reinforces what we've said many times on the Blog:In yourresume, cover letter, and interviews, you must demonstrate how you see yourself in the job, help them see the special skills and experience that make you more valuable than other candidates, and know as much as you can about the company and its industry. That approach will show you're not just informed; you're focused on the opportunity and even excited about it. Employers like job seekers who want to work for them and can demonstrate that.

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